Idag ska jag träffa Ami från miami ink!

På väg till Köpenhamn med baby för att få lite mera ink på kroppen ;-)))
World famous tattoo artist coming to Copenhagen Ink Festival 2013
AMI JAMES, the man behind MIAMI INK, has announced his arrival in the day 9-10-11. May
At Copenhagen Ink Festival will be possible to be tattooed by Ami James. He only book on the spot and make the tattoos, which he thinks is most interesting. It is not possible to book in advance if you would like to be tattooed by Ami James.
You will also be able to experience Ami James on stage, where he will be interviewed by our hosts Jokeren and Felix Smith, And also there will be photo opportunities in the photobooth.
Ami James known is probably most known from the popular reality television program Miami Ink, and he has since expanded his TV appearance, when he was in New York doing the program NY Ink.
The 41-year-old Ami James is also co-owner of Love Hate Tattoo’s in Miami and a clothing company and a nightclub also in Miami.
Ami is originally from Israel and moved as a 12-year-old with his parents to the United States. Inspired by his father, who was artist and had tattoos, at age 15 he got his first tattoo and since it has primarily been about body art and tattooing others.
He lived in Denmark back in 1996.